The drawing-tool feature has been spotted in the latest WhatsApp betaWhatsApp is adding new sketching tools to Android, New Chat Bubble Color For Desktop
(v2.22.3.5) for Android and is currently in the works.
The drawing-tool feature has been spotted in the latest WhatsApp beta (v2.22.3.5) for Android and is currently in the works.
WhatsApp is enhancing the user experience by bringing new features
Presenting Profile Picture in Notifications for iOS
for customers
Sending voice notes playing in the background.
In future publications, additional diagramming tools will be added to meta-supported businesses.
According to a recent report, WhatsApp is now exploring a new dark-themed color for chats along with new sketching capabilities in its Android app.
Bubbles in your desktop client.
Upcoming versions of WhatsApp will include a multiple-line pencil for a better sketching experience. (photo credit: WABetainfo)
There will be a new pencil icon that will allow you to draw before sending a picture or video. There is already a pencil option but discontinued.
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The version will have two pencils, one thin and one heavy, for a better sketching experience. Also according to sources, there is WhatsApp
Blur is also working on an image tool, which may only be available to future users.
It should be noted that the changes are under development and the release date is not yet known.
Most Viewed Feature WhatsApp beta (v2.22.3.5) for Android recently and it is currently running. It is expected to be included in future updates for Android smart phone.