Tuesday, January 24, 2023



7 Signs You're on Your Way to Online Success

Some credit Jim Rohn with "the breakthrough that started", and some credit it with Tony Robbins, but whoever said that is dead. Indeed, success leaves traces.

Look at any "overnight success" and you'll find that person lived in obscurity for years before becoming an overnight success.

Radio, TV and various media everywhere would be celebrating the man's "great success". No one will bother when a person is starving, driving a broken down car and wearing hand-me-down clothes.

a) How many paid courses have you registered for in the last three years?

c) How many gurus have you reached?

Yes, success leaves traces. Success will not come in your lap from above. You should search enthusiastically and go for it. If you do this you will become an overnight success and the media will beat the drums to celebrate your success.

To increase your chances of success, narrow your focus and focus on how to make it online because this is the way the world is going and there is no going back.

The biggest and richest companies in the world are all online businesses; Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft In no particular order.

While it took almost a hundred years for companies to become "multinational corporations" and spread operations around the world, all of the above "digital companies" became global giants within 10 to 20 years.

Not only companies but individuals are also making it big online. Bloggers and information product marketers like Jon Morrow, Brian Clark, Darren Rose, Brendan Burchard, Russell Brunson, Amy Porterfield and Neil Patel, to name just seven, all built their eight-figure empires within a few years of striking online. did.

It doesn't matter whether you are into e-commerce, information marketing, blogging, affiliate marketing or any combination of online businesses, the key to online success is "consistency" and sticking to your  have to follow.

Here are seven signs that you are on the road to online success. No special order:

1. You create your "customer avatar" so it's clear who you want to serve. As you know, not all customers are created equal, so being very clear about the kind of customer service you want to provide puts you miles ahead of the competition. With your mailing list you are on your way to online success.

2. You made your “Dream 100” list of online influencers and reach out to them Online influencers, experts, and gurus make things happen online. They've figured out what works and they're building and expanding their eight-figure empire. Following their success, learning from them, and modeling is the shortest and fastest way to build your own seven-figure empire without reinventing the wheel.

3. You have chosen "three social media platforms" on which you want to focus your efforts and post consistently. New social media platforms are born almost every day but to be successful, you need to choose only three based on your objectives and not on the popularity of the media. Anything more than three will spread you too thin and make you ineffective. Whether you choose Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, Periscope, etc., your strategy should be aligned.

4. You are building your "credibility and seriousness" every day.  One of the biggest credibility boosters is having a New York Times bestseller under your name. You already know that making it big online is no walk in the park, so take steps day and night to strengthen your credibility and pride.

5. You are working quietly and with full concentration on your “Lead Magnet”, Landing Page” and “Irresistible Offer”. These three: Lead Magnet, Landing Page and Irresistible Offer: Collecting Leads for you, Start Converting Set the stage to do. Set up. Turn them into customers, show them what you're made of, and give them an offer they can't do without.

6. You learn to create a "sales letter" with great hooks, stories, and offers. No matter how great your product is, how good your credibility is, and how popular you are on social media, it's your sales letter that will appeal to customers. into paying customers who send cash to your bank account. Learning how to craft an effective sales letter and pitch it to the right audience puts you in the league of winners.

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